Terms of Use

August 15, 2021

This Terms of Use is an agreement between you (user of the Internet) and DRCB Consulting, and includes anyone accessing, or attempting to access DRCB Consulting's website and Content. DRCB Consulting's Privacy Statement is officially part of these Terms of Use.

By continuing to use DRCB Consulting's website, you agree to our Terms of Use and any updates to it. This means that if our Terms change, you agree to these changes if you keep using DRCB Consulting's website. When this policy is changed, we will update the "last modified" date at the top of the policy. The Privacy Statement covers use of DRCB Consulting's website only. Clients receive a Notice of Privacy Practices and Authorization for Disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI) before receiving DRCB Consulting services.

There are rules users agree to follow when using this website. The rules cover when and how you ask questions, view or input Content on the website, and they are contained in these Terms of Use.

Users may:

✚ Ask informational questions to inquire about DRCB Consulting services.

✚ Ask questions and/or make comments that describe a general situation without facts that could describe an actual, specific person, or a situation in which specific persons could be identified.

Even when users follow the above rules:

✚ There is no guarantee that any submitted questions, comment, follow up question or comment, or request for a subsequent consult will be answered.

✚ Questions are answered at the sole discretion of DRCB Consulting, Inc.

Users may not:

✚ Ask personal health questions; medical questions are not are permitted and should be directed to your personal health care provider.

Include Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI) in communications to DRCB Consulting from the DRCB Consulting website. To protect your privacy, you agree that you will not submit any media that contains PII (e.g., name, phone number) of you or of anyone else. Uploading media such as images or video of other people that contains PII without their permission is strictly prohibited.

✚ Ask personal questions or share personal comments, especially those that could reveal PII (e.g., address) that describe an actual, specific person, or a situation in which specific persons could be identified.

✚ Submit questions that contain PHI from the website. Before clients share PHI they must receive a Notice of Privacy Practices and complete an Authorization for Disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI).

Enter into a consultation with DRCB Consulting under false pretenses of any kind; It is at the sole discretion of DRCB Consulting to decide if a person intentionally misrepresentations him/herself in order to defraud DRCB Consulting.

✚ Engage in conduct that we determine, in our sole discretion, to be abusive, illegal, disruptive, or that otherwise fails to conform to these Terms of Use.

✚ Engage in harmful, damaging, or destructive behavior, this includes conduct that restricts or inhibits any person from using DRCB Consulting's website, or which, in the judgment of DRCB Consulting, exposes us or any of our users, partners, or suppliers to any liability or detriment of any type.

Disregard professional medical advice, or delay seeking medical advice or treatment because of something you read or learn on or through DRCB Consulting’s website and Content.

✚ Post or upload media (e.g., photos, videos or audio) that you have not taken yourself, that you do not have all rights to transmit and license, and/or that violate trademark, copyright, privacy, or any other rights of any other person.

✚ Upload any kind of media to the website containing expressions of hate, abuse, offensive images or conduct, obscenity, pornography, sexually explicit, or any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under applicable law or regulations or that otherwise conflicts with these Terms of Use, our Privacy Statement, and any other policy.

DRCB Consulting, Inc. does not provide formal medical diagnosis, treatments, recommendations, or prescriptions of any kind. Users with medical conditions should contact their health care professional for a face-to-face appointment. Users seeking consultation related to medical diagnostic or treatment issues will be immediately referred to their personal health care provider or directed to dial 911. Do not use DRCB Consulting's website Content to diagnose or treat a medical condition, or in actual medical emergency.

DRCB Consulting's website is not for medical advice.

DRCB Consulting is not your medical doctor. Any questions and answers posted are for general education and information. Only informational questions are permitted. For specific, personal health questions, always ask your own doctor or healthcare provider.

Everything on DRCB Consulting's website, including Content accessed through links, are for your personal use and for informational purposes only. This means that Content accessed on DRCB Consulting's website is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care from your doctor. Never disregard professional counseling/advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read on DRCB Consulting's website. Consultations cannot be used for providing a medical diagnosis, examination, prescription, medical treatment, or any medical health care practice. In cases where you feel threatened or believe someone else is in danger, you should contact your local law enforcement agency immediately. If you think you may have an emergency, call 911.

An individual's noncommercial reuse or redistribution of any portion of DRCB Consulting's website Content is permitted as governed by United States Copyright law or the Lanham Act. No redistribution of any Content is permitted. Any hyperlink or other re-display of Content on another website must display the Content full-screen. Display of Content within a "frame" on a linked or other site is not permitted, unless expressly pre-approved and permitted by us in writing. Hyperlinks, posts, and screenshots of user consultation Content (e.g., confidential real-time text message consultation communications or video) are not permitted. By using DRCB Consulting Servcies, you agree not to exploit user contact information, or harvest, scrape or otherwise collect any information about our users for any reason, including but not limited to for sending unsolicited communications, including spam.

DRCB Consulting's website, Content and related Services may not be used for illegal purposes. You may not access any DRCB Consulting's network, computer, or Content and Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair them, or interfere with any other person's use. Attempts to gain unauthorized access to any Content or Services, other users, computer systems, or networks connected with DRCB Consulting, the Content, or Services are strictly prohibited. Use of any automated means (such as a scraper) to access DRCB Consulting's website Content, or DRCB Consulting's Services for any purpose is illegal. Such unauthorized access includes, but is not limited to, using or attempting to solicit another user’s login credentials, or those of an DRCB Consulting professional is an express and direct violation of these Terms of Use, applicable privacy and security laws, and laws prohibiting unfair or unethical business practices.

DRCB Consulting, Inc. does not guarantee the truth of third party content.

To the extent that any Content included or used by DRCB Consulting's website is provided by third party providers or other users, we have no editorial control or responsibility of such Content. Any opinions, statements, products, services or other information expressed or made available by third parties, or users on DRCB Consulting are those of such third parties or users, respectively. We make no representations about efficacy of any opinion, statement or other information provided by any third party. DRCB Consulting does not represent or warrant that your use of Content displayed on DRCB Consulting, or referenced Content or service providers, will not infringe rights of third parties not owned by or affiliated with DRCB Consulting. This website may contain links to websites controlled by parties other than DRCB Consulting. DRCB Consulting may also provide links to other citations or resources with whom it is not affiliated. DRCB Consulting is not responsible for and does not endorse or accept any responsibility for the availability, Contents, products, services or use of any Third Party Site, any website accessed from a Third Party Site or any changes or updates to such sites. DRCB Consulting makes no guarantees about the Content or quality of the products or services provided by such sites. DRCB Consulting provides links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by DRCB Consulting of third party sites, nor does it imply that DRCB Consulting sponsors, is affiliated or associated with, guarantees, or is legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may be reflected in the links. You acknowledge that you bear all risks associated with access to and use of Content provided on a third party site and agree that DRCB Consulting is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort you may incur from dealing with a third party.

We are not responsible for anything outside of DRCB Consulting's website now or in the future.

DRCB Consulting’s website Content may link you to other websites, apps, or information, software, data, or other Contents, on or off the Internet. These other sites and Contents are not DRCB Consulting, and we do not control, verify, endorse, support, or review the Content of these external links or sites. DRCB Consulting is not responsible for such Content and linking to any other websites, or pages on other sites is at your own risk. The information, software, data, or other Contents (including opinions, claims, comments) contained in linked references are those of the companies responsible for such sites. When using DRCB Consulting’s website, its Content and Services, you do so under a license from us. Your license to use DRCB Consulting is personal, revocable, non-assignable, and nonexclusive. All right, title and interest in and to DRCB Consulting, and DRCB Consulting Content and Services, together with all intellectual property rights embodied therein are the property of DRCB Consulting, Inc. or our affiliates.

DRCB Consulting is not liable for data that is captured by site metrics or during a forensic investigation. By using DRCB Consulting, you release DRCB Consulting from any liability for interception or unauthorized access to your browsing data on the Internet.

Users must ask our permission to use DRCB Consulting Trademarks.

We are applying for various Trademarks and service marks. DRCB Consulting, Inc., the DRCB Consulting, Inc. logo, other DRCB Consulting, Inc. trademarks and service marks and other DRCB Consulting, Inc. logos and product and service names are our trademarks. If you would like to use or display any DRCB Consulting, Inc. trademark, you must ask for our permission in writing. Without our prior written permission, or as outlined in this Terms of Use, you agree not to display or use in any manner DRCB Consulting, Inc. trademarks. Users agree not to infringe our Copyrights, Trademarks, Trade Secrets or other intellectual property rights.

You agree not to engage in any activity that would constitute copyright infringement with respect to DRCB Consulting Content. You may not reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform or publicly display the Content or any portion thereof without our prior written consent. You may, however, use features that allow you to share your general interest in DRCB Consulting through other third party applications and mediums (e.g., Twitter), so long as you do not modify that Content or the functionality of those features in any way. Additionally, you may not use any meta-tags or any other "hidden text" utilizing the name "DRCB Consulting, Inc." or "DRCB Consulting" without our prior written permission.

Users agree not to access, attempt to access, view, transmit, download, upload, sell, rent, license, transfer, disclose, mirror, frame, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or use any aspect of DRCB Consulting, Content in whole or in part, in any form. You agree that you will not upload anything that contains software viruses, computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software on DRCB Consulting’s website, our subsidiaries affiliates, or applications employed in our personal business. Your submission of anything to DRCB Consulting gives us rights to it. Do not submit any business information, ideas, concepts or inventions that are private or proprietary to DRCB Consulting through any method.

Users agree to DRCB Consulting's enforcement of these Terms of Use.

By accessing, attempting to access, or using DRCB Consulting’s website you agree that we have the right to determine in our sole discretion to terminate a user's access to DRCB Consulting's website upon any breach of any of these Terms of Use. This agreement stands regardless of whether users violate our Terms of Use. Your permission to use DRCB Consulting. Content and Services ends immediately upon violation of our Terms of Use. We may place limits on, modify, or terminate your right to access and use DRCB Consulting and the Services and/or Content at anytime

You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless against any claims or losses imposed on, incurred by, or asserted as a result of, or relating to, your use of DRCB Consulting’s website and Content. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless against any claims or losses imposed on, incurred by, or asserted as a result of, or relating to your noncompliance with our Terms of Use. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless against any claims or losses imposed on, incurred by, or asserted as a result of or relating to any third-party actions related to, or arising from your use of DRCB Consulting’s website and Content, whether authorized or unauthorized under the Terms of Use.

Users agree to DRCB Consulting's Friendly Fraud Prevention Policy

DRCB Consulting reserves the right to refuse business with anyone to reduce risks associated with fraudulent transactions, such as those committed by "professional refunders."

Children's Privacy

DRCB Consulting is committed to children's safety and privacy. DRCB Consulting is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of 18. We do not collect information from, or provide services to, any person we actually know is minor without parental/guardian consent. By using our website, you represent that you are at least 18-years of age. Parents, teachers, and caregivers concerned about electronic communications involving child safety (e.g., bullying, abuse) may receive Pro Bono referral information by contacting us. If you prefer, you may do so anonymously (e.g., using a disposable email service) for privacy reasons.


"DRCB Consulting" means DRCB Consulting, Inc.'s website, DRCB Consulting, Inc.'s related web sites, and DRCB Consulting, Inc.'s future applications.

"Company", "we," "us," or "our" means DRCB Consulting, Inc., the website. DRCB Consulting, Inc. is owned and operated by Dr. C. B. Consulting, Inc. All right, title, and interest in and to the Content provided on this site and applications, including but not limited to information, documents, logos, graphics, sounds and images (the "Content") are owned by Dr. C. B. Consulting, Inc., a California corporation, and any other companies that are subsidiaries and affiliates of Dr. C. B. Consulting, Inc.

"Content" means text, graphics, images and any other material entered, processed, contained on or accessed through DRCB Consulting, Inc.

"Services" means consultation services, or services related to consultation provided through DRCB Consulting, Inc. Such services are provided only after appropriate documentation and client consents are completed. DRCB Consulting, Inc.’s website provides “information only” about services provided by DRCB Consulting, Inc.

"Personally Identifiable Information" (PII) is any information that reveals the identity of a person, or persons. PII includes any person's full name, public alias, home address, email address, telephone or mobile number, specific place of employment, or any other information that could be used to reveal the identity of a person or persons. This includes reference to any kind of media that reveals, or links to, a person's identity (e.g., reference to a blog with an alias that is linked or easily tied (through a Internet search) to a social media account).

“Protected Health Information” (PHI) means individually identified health information, as defined by HIPAA, that is created or received by DRCB Consulting, Inc., staff, or business associates, that relates to past, present, or future physical or mental health conditions of an individual; the provision of health care to an individual; and that identifies the individual, or for which there is a reasonable basis to believe the information can be used to identity the individual. PHI includes information of persons living or deceased.