Client Customized

Services are client customized, based on behavior analytic science, and informed by empirically validated treatments. Learn More

Scientific Principles

Withing the framework of child development, consultation involves comprehensive use of principles of learning, specifically, applied behavior analysis, to address behavior change. Learn More

Program Goals

Goals are action based and target development of, or increases in, skills or practices that will improve overall independent living skills. Learn More

Child Problem Behaviors

In some cases, child problem behaviors may interfere with learning. Positive strategies to help eliminate or decrease maladaptive behavior patterns are implemented as needed. Learn More


Initial consultations may occur in your home or remotely, depending on the level of consultation you desire. During an initial consultation, DRCB Consulting assesses if a telehealth model of consultation can sufficiently address your concerns, or if a mixed in-home / telehealth model is more appropriate. Learn More

Consultation Model

DRCB Consulting's telehealth consultation model allows parents and caregivers to capture real-time parent-child interactions and child behaviors with their smartphones, tablets, or laptops and receive timely recommendations via video conference, text, or phone consultation. Learn More

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program

Families seeking government approved parent training programs may inquire about the Triple P - Positive Parenting Program. Learn More

Universal Parent Training

Parents of typically developing children, caregivers, or teachers seeking tips for managing minor misbehavior or discrete behavioral issues (e.g., tantrums, bedtime routines, instruction following) may find a telehealth model provides the flexibility, convenience, and easy access they seek. Learn More


DRCB Consulting also provides guidance, resource information, second opinions, & advocacy assistance to parents of children in Southern CA. Resources

"We are only just beginning to understand the power of love because we are just beginning to understand the weakness of force & aggression."

B. F. Skinner (1974)